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PC vs. MAC

(1/3) > >>

the epic poll just vote.

Stop double posting lawl
And I didn't vote because you made it Microsoft VS Apple, instead of PC VS MAC lawl

Anyways I prefer PC for gaming, graphics, modeling, etc.  and MAC for all the musicians, painters, etc. =D
I prefer PC though, for gaming =D


--- Quote from: ArTIk*BaNAnA on June 08, 2010, 10:43:11 AM ---Stop double posting lawl
And I didn't vote because you made it Microsoft VS Apple, instead of PC VS MAC lawl

Anyways I prefer PC for gaming, graphics, modeling, etc.  and MAC for all the musicians, painters, etc. =D
I prefer PC though, for gaming =D

--- End quote ---

am i on some shit list somewhere cuz every ones all like >:O


--- Quote from: pingas on June 08, 2010, 10:47:09 AM ---am i on some shit list somewhere cuz every ones all like >:O

--- End quote ---

Lol sorry if my post made it look that way O.o
I was just telling you to stop double-post cause I've seen you doing it before, and it's extremely easy to edit that post into your first post, which you still didn't do =P

Oh and forgot to add that IE8 is shiz, use Cometbird/Google Chrome/Opera, just not IE8 lawl

devvybabe ♥:

Mac owner and Pc owner.
Both is amazing for the right jobs.


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