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Black Widows
Here I present you an awesome video from our fellow member, Maverick, about certain spiders he found around his house.
Cute Little Black Widows [CAMERA TEST]
devvybabe ♥:
Black widows kill their sex partner after sex..
I wanted a tattoo of a black widow.
But then I remembered I'm scared of needles.
--- Quote from: Deviant on June 06, 2010, 06:56:12 PM ---Black widows kill their sex partner after sex..
I wanted a tattoo of a black widow.
But then I remembered I'm scared of needles.
--- End quote ---
Basilik would be a kind of male black widow, lol.
devvybabe ♥:
--- Quote from: Frank on June 06, 2010, 07:20:58 PM ---lolpwnt
Basilik would be a kind of male black widow, lol.
--- End quote ---
NU D:<
They don't have sex with their victims first :/
They just look at you and if you look at their piercing bio luminescent eyes you get paralyzed and they eat you.
Holy fucking crap.
That's one guy I wouldn't like to have as a sexual couple.
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