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Changing gamemode's.....

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--- Quote from: Shawn on June 06, 2010, 11:12:18 AM ---Just because you pefer a gamemode over another doesn't mean others will....

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Ya I know, but the only difference is the crows >.<
You cook stuff in Stranded, even better than in WS, you plant seeds, which you can't do in WS, you still drink from the water, you create stuff from materials, you can build a house by yourself and make it look good and have space for you to sprint lul,  and you have tribes and more cool shiz lawl

And you can still kill people, and now you have more ways to do that =D


--- Quote from: ArTIk*BaNAnA on June 06, 2010, 11:17:22 AM ---

And you can still kill people, and now you have more ways to do that =D

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Thats excatly why i don't like standed that much.. theres always going to be poeple who just want to build... and theres always going to be one asshole that makes a gun and keeps killing everyone...

As if WS is any better, I rarely ever saw a WS round without someone killing two people in the first 2 minutes.


--- Quote from: Shawn on June 06, 2010, 11:20:57 AM ---Thats excatly why i don't like standed that much.. theres always going to be poeple who just want to build... and theres always going to be one asshole that makes a gun and keeps killing everyone...

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Coolz can always turn PVP off, I never killed for no reason, and if you didn't know, people can also kill at WS =\ (crossbow, axe, etc.)

And when the Stranded server was up, people would rarely RDM, and another good thing is, that there are no rounds =D
There are no winners or losers and you will be able to build everything you want! (with a limit of-course)


--- Quote from: ArTIk*BaNAnA on June 06, 2010, 11:29:46 AM --- and if you didn't know, people can also kill at WS =\ (crossbow, axe, etc.)

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i know but the weapons suck and its kinda hard to survive if you just run around killing people, so its in the person best interest not to kill and help others out...


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