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Need some help about my new keyboard....

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Well I got my new epic Razer Lycosa - Mirror Edition, and I can't find the thing that changes the buttons light, and for some odd reason the profiles (with macro-keys n stuff) aren't working T.T

If you know how to fix these stuff please help me lawl

P.S.- I need a PINGAZ Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit if anyone can gi---sell =O[/font]


--- Quote from: ArTIk*BaNAnA on June 04, 2010, 01:37:42 PM ---Well I got my new epic Razer Lycosa - Mirror Edition, and I can't find the thing that changes the buttons light, and for some odd reason the profiles (with macro-keys n stuff) aren't working T.T

If you know how to fix these stuff please help me lawl

P.S.- I need a PINGAZ Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit if anyone can gi---sell =O[/font]

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Did a quick google search found  a nice article about them alot of the KB's are defective and you might have to replace them.

"Lycosa keyboard serial ranges that Razer acknowledges as defective start with the following codes :


so if your keyboard start with that for a serial number you have to write razer or something and they'll give you a new one.


--- Quote from: Shawn on June 04, 2010, 01:51:01 PM ---Did a quick google search found  a nice article about them alot of the KB's are defective and you might have to replace them.

"Lycosa keyboard serial ranges that Razer acknowledges as defective start with the following codes :


so if your keyboard start with that for a serial number you have to write razer or something and they'll give you a new one.

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Thanks but my Keyboard starts with MT09 =\

» Magic «:


--- Quote from: «-= Magic =-» on June 04, 2010, 02:51:26 PM ---WHO'S GLOATING NOW EH?!?!?!?!

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Lolwut don't post unless you helping me plawx kthxbai, and I think the problem is with mah old-ass computer, if it won't work I'll just e-mail Razer =D

(Thread can be locked I guess?)


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