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Some Gamemode Coding qeustions
Hello, i have a few coding qeustions. I will start a new post should i have more.
here is 1, I have a round restart etc. func, but i want to make choosing the winner be choosing the team
timer.Create("my_timer", 300, 0, function()
for k,v in pairs( team.GetPlayers(1) ) do
v:SetFrags( 0 ) // Reset their frags for next round
for k,v in pairs( team.GetPlayers(2) ) do
v:SetFrags( 0 ) // Reset their frags for next round
player:Spawn() // Timer code here
local winner
local topscore = 0
for k,v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do
winner = v
topscore = v:Frags()
ply:ChatPrint("the winner is " .. winner:Nick())
return winner
end )
And This is not showing when i press f2, no idea why, how do i make it
function showshiz( ply ) -- This hook is called everytime F1 is pressed.
ply.concommand( "sb_teams" )
hook.Add("ShowTeam", showshiz)
One last thing, i want to run the function sb_teams on this, wgich command should i use to run it?
function GM:PlayerSpawn( ply ) //What happens when the player spawns
self.BaseClass:PlayerSpawn( ply )
ply:SetGravity( 0.75 )
ply:SetMaxHealth( 100, true )
ply:SetWalkSpeed( 325 )
ply:SetRunSpeed( 325 )
ply:Give ( "weapon_fiveseven" )
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