Entertainment > Anime/Manga Discussion

Dokuro chan

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--- Quote from: Nurse Choucho on June 07, 2010, 08:56:41 AM ---Forgotten who you're dealing with banana?

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Nope, I'm dealing with you, isn't that obvious =O
And even though this anime is weird I'm actually attracted to watch it lmao

Show sounds good....

Bokustsu tenshi Dokuro-chan, aka Club-to-Death Angel Dokuro-chan, is about a boy named Sakura Kusakabe who lives with an angel named Dokuro(or Dokuro-chan as they call her). Dokuro's like any normal angel, she uses magical powers to turn people into animals, she likes to torture people, oh, and she carries around a spiked metal bat that she beats people to death with, of course using her magical "Pipiru piru piru pipiru pi" spell to revive them again. Sakura has to worry enough with Dokuro-chan killing him all the time, but there's also other angels planning to kill him without reviving him again. Can he avoid his ill-fated demise?

The Southern Cross:
anyone want me to post the secon ep?

nah I watched all the ep's and movie etc way before this post. It's funny seeing kusakabe get his body mauled to death by the club once again.


--- Quote from: SheepsAholy on June 10, 2010, 09:23:24 PM ---nah I watched all the ep's and movie etc way before this post. It's funny seeing kusakabe get his body mauled to death by the club once again.

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The goddamn series stops at season 2 ep 3-4 T.T

But damn that guy is so stupid, I would r4p3 these hot angels to pieces lmao (nah but I would do something with that and not run away like an idiot lawl)


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