Entertainment > Funny Stuffz


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Your plan would imply that a person could live forever, but we would quickly run out of room if people stopped dying. People need to die or we cant have enough room for kids.

Cool, be a cyborg!

N fucking O.

I like being a human. I'd rather die as one than live forever as a cyborg.

» Magic «:
Everything has a history of extinction


--- Quote from: Sanders on June 03, 2010, 07:51:07 AM ---Your plan would imply that a person could live forever, but we would quickly run out of room if people stopped dying. People need to die or we cant have enough room for kids.

--- End quote ---

Ever heard about our EXPANDING universe? =O
Yeap, our universe streches all the time, means = lots of space =D

--- Quote from: Frank on June 03, 2010, 12:25:00 PM ---Cool, be a cyborg!

N fucking O.

I like being a human. I'd rather die as one than live forever as a cyborg.

--- End quote ---

Ya, that will be your choice lawl and you can try living as one, and if it doesn't suit you just kill urself =D

--- Quote from: «-= Magic =-» on June 03, 2010, 12:59:48 PM ---Everything has a history of extinction

--- End quote ---

Yeap, because nothing until now was good enough to survive everything, btw, crocodiles are before the dinosaurs age, and they still aren't enxtinct =D

Crocodiles are awesome.

I have a crocodil interior in my Chevrolet. It's as big as a cinema!


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