Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Approved Respected Apps

markyb40/mycopertop respected request

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hello. my name is Benjamin, and i would like to apply to become a respected. here are my reasons why you should add me on to the list of respecteds:

1) I understand the position of the new people to a random flood server.
one of the most exciting things to do in a random server is when you first join. the amazing maps, the interesing gameplay, all that cool stuff. you build a boat to save yourself from the toxic water. you are confident that you will do well... and in seconds, it's all shattered by a noob carrying an rpg."lol look at his boat! it sux!" "let's kill the failboat! lol" and all of a sudden, your boat is up in flames, props disappearing like kindling in a wild bonfire. they block you from getting on their boat. they laugh. you die, moneyless and helpless in the first minutes of flood. this has happened to me many times before, and it sucks a lot. so, if i become a respected, i will try my best to stop this situation. i will let new people on my boat, so they can earn money safely while fighting the other boats.

2) i will try to get the admins to set up a moneyround vote system.
Imagine  lots and lots of poor people, unable to make a boat due to the noobs with rpgs, and unable to moneyround due to the respecteds (when the admin who made the server doesn't even care!) Imagine, however, if there was a vote system where, if more than 1/2 the ppl vote moneyround, that weapons will not hurt boats and instead will be focused on moving targets! The war ppl could have fun destroying bullseyes, and the moneyround ppl would get the well-deserved moneyround they needed. it all works out!

3) I will follow most
of the rules.
no proppushing, random banning, minging boats, or using respected privileges like a minge.

here's my info:
name: Benjamin
Accounts: markyb40, mycoppertop
country: u.s.a.
fav. random server: flood
pet peeves: prop pushers, people with rpgs who shoot new people, abusive respecteds, glitchers and people who moneyround when 3 or more people are dead.
Freinds: Goreman, RND J4CK, aemxr
enemies: noobs, abusive respecteds

so please, nominate me for respected, and please try to make the moneyround vote a reality. thanks!
Benjamin Bayne


Minge, money rounder, glitcher...


for one thing, frank, the reason i glitched before on the rnd map is because EVERYONE (including you, at one point) glitched on that map. 2nd, i do not minge. i simply wish for moneyrounds, which is desperately needed by most of the people who play Flood due to rocket launchers and the noobs who hold them. also, didn't you say you moneyrounded in the middle of the night when nobody was there? because that still counts. overall, your verdict is false. i do not wish to upset you, but i would be a good candidate, and i would and will change my past flaws. good day to you sir, and please do not ban me. i am simply stating my true and honest opinion.

Dear Mr. Bayne,

              Upon your latest reply, I have  realised that you may not be as bad as you I thought. But one thing: do not obey most of the rules, obey ALL OF THEM. You have got a point concerning to the money rounds. I, myself, have money rounded when I needed it, and I must say that without them,  I would still be around 5 or 6 thousands credits.
              I do not really like the idea of having a "money round vote", as it could be easily abused. Although, if it was made so that when a new player joins in the middle of a round, or someone dies, the money round was restarted, it would be pretty good. I would also like to have a general restart. You know, everyone with 1K again. AND, if possible, increase the amount of money you get when you win a round. That would encourage newcomers and anybody else to actually build a boat.

Best regards,

P.S.: I appreciate your respectful and honest answer, ergo, I apology for my behaviour against your persona.

Proudly Infected:

--- Quote from: thecakeisalie on May 30, 2010, 07:57:41 PM ---(when the admin who made the server doesn't even care!)

--- End quote ---

Hmm.. Saying that coolz doesn't care about his server is kind of like saying "Don't accept my app"

You really have to swing me back in to get my vote. As of now I don't think so.


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