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The official (nonofficial) officially sanctioned Flood suggestion topic.

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--- Quote from: Tiger Guy on May 28, 2010, 07:00:59 PM ---1. Putting me in VIP list (Just kidding)

2. Make a chat that only VIP/Admins can see all over the rnd servers (/911 or something like that to call for help) so that they can see it, and go to the server that needs help.

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Ahh yes, I was just grabbing the first person I saw for VIP, I doubt that's going to be like, THE VIP LIST, but alright.

Second, GOOD IDEA.


--- Quote from: PhrozenFox on May 28, 2010, 05:14:21 PM ---Obviously, VIP would be selected with the same zeal as admins.

--- End quote ---
If that's the case (and if you have to actually apply for it), then I'm perfectly fine with it.

/Edit: Btw, thanks for not taking me into the VIP list lol, it made me behave normal again on Flood.

Come on guys, if you have some good suggestions this might actually happen. We need to upload videos and stuff, pictures, etc and put them in here.

The evidence must be so devestating that Coolz/Ruben poop themselves and fix it.

Come on guys, I know you have some good suggestions, we need to change flood for the better and this is how we start!

We have discussed this many times before. VIP is not happening, please stop asking about it.

Instead the whole respected system will be redone, It's already on the list of items to be completed.

Just be patient.

The main problem with flood at the moment, is we don't have anyone available to work on it. As far as finding evidence that there are problems with flood Ruben and Coolz already know there are serious problems with it, that's not the issue. The issue is having enough time to recode it. Coolz has a list a mile long for other things to do for Rnd. And I think Ruben is off focusing on schooling. And no one has seen or heard from Minic in several months.

So some new coding blood might help the community out a lot.

If you really want to see results on fixing the flood mode. Draw up new ideas on how to make it work better and be more fun in the long term. And start re-coding the flood game-mode from scratch.

Things to consider in the redesign:

1. Be designed in a way as to encourage people building boats
2. Have more balance in the prop selection, there should be more than just 2 or 3 good props to use in boat design
3. Money hording shouldn't be encouraged (ex: really expensive weapons are super overpowered)
4. Try to encorage different boat designs

That's all that comes to my mind at the moment. But basically, just think of all the ways that flood is lame and boring at the moment, and think up a way that will make it fun again. I tend to frown upon RPG systems in games like flood, because it unbalances the game into rich players favor far too much. But that might be what keeps flood so popular for so long is that it does encourage people to play it a lot. But it sure doesn't make it all that much fun.


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