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Tiger Guy:

--- Quote from: Mr.Franklin on May 23, 2010, 05:51:01 PM ---my record? BEST EVIL TWIN EVAR <3

--- End quote ---
My record? Best person to not give a fuck!!!!

I have number 1 post in all rnd. By views and posts. Also I get 9001 on the pingometor scale


Lawl nice, but wtf thread de-railed and spammed, the topic is about the new record (which is kind of useless but meh) and you guys talking about your own "records"......

Though I'm sure that if I'll raise the spammers warning bar here and lock the thread everybody would whine and rage at me.

Have fun with your spam thread lawl.

P.S.- I was online like 30 minutes after the record lawl, or was it 30 mins before? O.o


--- Quote from: PhrozenFox on May 24, 2010, 12:53:00 AM ---

--- End quote ---
Oh god phrozen, that pic was epic xD
Also, I was camping that day, so gtfo.


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