Creative Arts > Music
Official "What are you currently listening too?" Thread
devvybabe ♥:
--- Quote from: Shawn on May 24, 2010, 05:18:30 PM ---Arg still working on cleaning WMP boy I'm going to have fun when i get to these lists :(
Reba McEntire - The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia
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I am listening to this right now
There Goes My Life- the Sims 2
It's also sims but this other country song gets to me too. But not as much as the first country song I posted.
The visuals not as good but it still relates to the song.
Again, this can be related to by most people.
--- Quote from: Deviant on May 24, 2010, 05:29:49 PM ---I am listening to this right now
There Goes My Life- the Sims 2
It's also sims but this other country song gets to me too. But not as much as the first country song I posted.
The visuals not as good but it still relates to the song.
Again, this can be related to by most people.
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Nice song I'm taking a break of cleaning WMP right now and listening to one of the greatest songs ever but the rarest ever
Silence orignal version, can find this song anywhere except this video (But even the video doesn't have the full version :P) and i also have if you like the song you may download it from me :)
Sarah McLachlan Silence
--- Quote from: Deviant on May 24, 2010, 01:14:24 PM ---I know this may sound really stupid.
But at the moment, I'm listening to this:
Remember When
It played during prom night and I later on found out about this video.
It made me sad how the song goes along with the visuals just really got to me.
Maybe because I'm plainly emotional.
I see you like country which is not bad at all
Considering I live in the south, country music plays a big role around here
and to be honest, this is the only country song I like and currently listening to.
I'm not a big fan but this song is just :(
I guess what I'm trying to say is:
This song relates to peoples lives easily.
Including mine.
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i lold when the car was jumping
but its a good song
Next to Mr.Rogers this would be my most fav sound XD
Alexisonfire - Born and Raised
hehe, good old monty python:
Lumberjack Song
Every Sperm is Sacred
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