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Crysis, YOUR opinion

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What do you think of Crysis?  :-\
Is it really all that fun?
All I know is you start playing and the graphics just blows you away fux your eyeballs repeatedly until it is burned into your brain ???

Ya the graphics are awsome, though you can use configs to make it look EVEN BETTER, i finished the game on normal and half of it on delta, its FUXING fun to play on so good graphics and it has a nice story, and very nice action =P

The alien stage is a bit confusing, took me time to pass it, after that the game starts to be EVEN BETTER, so in overall: More than a good game =D

Yeah, my vote says it all "cant.....see.....blinded.....too.....purty"

The only thing good about Crysis is the amazing graphics. Other than that I think the gameplay is average. It got a really high score on ign (9.4) Id much rather spend the money on another game.

Yeah, I bought Crysis the other week. Went on multiplayer, downloaded over 2GB in patches, i think it was lol, and I found out that the patches dont stop hackers. I mean, for me, 5 minutes of googling got me a hack that could ban admins, and anybody. no clip, infinity ammo, one shot kill, so I just quit. Why the fuck would they make a game, quit making patches for it. For that, they fail. I would get Crysis Wars, if I wasn't scared that they would stop making patches  for it lol.


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