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Hypnogagia/Sleep Paralysis
--- Quote from: V on May 21, 2010, 02:08:47 PM ---What the hell, noob?
You never opened a thread about Sleep Paralysis. You just copypasted some info about Lucid Dreaming.
Sheesh, newfags.
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I guess you didn't read SoneriN's post, SP is a way to induce LD's, read some info about these stuff before you call me a newfag, and I didn't copy paste those stuff, I actually wrote them myself, and if you didn't notice what SoneriN posted here is an image that probably was copied from some site.
You never talked about sleep paralysis.
--- Quote from: ArTIk*BaNAnA on April 30, 2010, 02:20:35 PM ---Hey everybody, I have just found a thing called Lucid Dreaming, or in short - LD.
LD is a dream where you control everything in the dream, you make yourself fly, you breath underwater, explore the world and more.
Here's a site about it: Click here
I'm going to try it today cause it sound epic, I'm also hearing some sounds here that are supposed to help me be Lucid in my dream, I got the sounds from here, each sound has a description of what it does.
Post here if you have any experience with LD, if you are trying/tried LD, or you just think it's cool =D
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You Have Been Trolled
Never LD'd but wanted to. I always fall asleep when I try. I know they suggest doing it in the morning, but thats dangerous if I fall back asleep.
Whats wrong with talking about sleep paralysis in a lucid dream thread? They are related topics.
devvybabe ♥:
Whoah that seems creepy and I'm too lazy to go try it but,
I did once wake up out of a scary dream, and believe it or not I could not move at all.
I tried to move my arms but couldnt. The weird thing about it is, I didn't panic and I calmly dealt with the situation.
Knowing me, I'd probably freak right the fk out and scream and wake everyone in the room with me.
So I dunno. Sounds crazy like a huge acid trip.
I observed a friend once who was in some form of drug or he mightve done this and his hallucinations was just.. weird.
he started seeing small skinny stick-like blue people coming out of the wall and running under the bed he was laying on.
He only saw it through his peripheral vision but meh it was weird.
o.o i had this too
But its i dream its all about SCARY MOVIE
srsly i cant breathe becuz of fear >:O
in my dream i was crying lol
I got 7 Dreams ( Dont Know? )
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