Entertainment > Games

Half-Life 2: Episode 3 - The Mod

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Ive made a little website, where you can see progress and stuff..
i am willing to update it, but magic, you can have the password for it if you want to edit the site

» Magic «:
ep3_intro.bsp is teh problem

after i made a change to fix a spawn bug, it wouldn't run again, so i ditched it and am now using ep3_intro_alt

just delete it and rename ep3_intro_alt to ep3_intro

When i try to launch it in steam it takes me to Episode 2
Not mod

Proudly Infected:
Mk well I got it to load but i think something is still wrong lol. The menu starts and then if i wait too long the menu fades away and intro starts. then if i hit escape menu comes up. and i hit new game. nothing. (which is understandable) then i hit load game and tried both of the pre-loaded autosave files. one is me stuck under some displacement and alyx is on top of a hill. and the other is where i drop and looks like im in flatgrass with some hl2 prefabbed towers and what i think is trucks. and a scanner floating around. thats my experience. please tell me were doing better than that guys :(   oh and intro was sweet btw.

Anyone here made a trailer for this Mod?


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