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The "MY ROOM!!!1!" Thread

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it is


--- Quote from: Tomcat on July 02, 2010, 08:05:47 PM ---no it isnt

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Lol yes it is


--- Quote from: Shawn on July 02, 2010, 08:00:00 PM ---O.o Playboy Mansion.

--- End quote ---

I haz sick connections.

--- Quote from: Tomcat on July 02, 2010, 07:51:33 PM ---me and magic will be quiet and well share a room if you let us in

--- End quote ---


devvybabe ♥:
Lol that was a pretty messy room there Shawn but im pretty sure it's not that bad now right?

Hmm I just moved and cleaned everything and trying to find a way to get it on here through cellphone since I won't have Internet for awhile o_o

coolz lol I'd fly there in a heartbeat if you let me in. I'd leave proudly in a snap for some Hefner loving.

Anyways, everyones rooms I've seen is pretty decent. Inspite of the mess, it still matches your personalities. I know it's weird but im just rambling on it's 3am and im high.



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