Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Server Requests/Suggestions

RP server?

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Me and many more ppl wants to play in a good RP server, but it seems no one can find one,
Why wont you open a RP server? I think it will be great....i myself will enter it atleast 3-4 times a week =\

Hope you consider my suggestion,

Edit: Btw, if you do make a RP Server, do it with GmodRP, Best RP EVAAA!!

Yes, we were talking on the sandbox server, it would be a good idea, it's always nice to have a RP server :D, of course RP servers have a lots of problems with bugs and things like that, it have a lot of maps too, and there comes a lot of people trying to hack the server cause they are jealous. But, Rp servers are very good for getting new friends. (I dont mean that zs and sandbox does not.) But, please, if you make a rp server, dont put a autokick for 13 kills please, cause in sleepersoft server was so, and we couldnt defend of cops :D. I wanna put some photos for you to see how cops abuse of powers in sleepersofts server. (nice photos, but i dont know how xD)

I would gladly join from time to time if there is one to be made. :)
If not, I would stay longer in Latest Wire/Phx.
Win-Win situation either way lol  :D

*Bump* More votes! More comments!~ *Bump*

*Bump again* Well we have 2 votes that want RP server and 4 votes that dont care, but there are more that im sure would be happy if there was a RP server, and especialy GmodRP that everyone will really enjoy, so coolz/minic what do you guys think about a RP server?

It will be very fun if there will be one...



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