Entertainment > Funny Stuffz
how do you enter the shower?
Jetstodown :}:
--- Quote from: «-= Magic =-» on May 19, 2010, 12:26:02 PM ---#3 If I had a shower
Cuz I'm cool I have a bath lol
--- End quote ---
no shower nor bath
just a good old mexican shower :D
Proudly Infected:
I have my own firetruck situated outside my house, so every Saturday I have him spray me down against a brick wall with a fire hose.. One time it ripped some skin, but sure did get the dirt off :)
Usually #3...
I've accidentaly done #2... On a winter day.... With ice cold water.
Makes me sad :(
Mostly 3, 2 when going in the showerz b4 or after pool!!!
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