Other Shiz > Boneyard

TTT REALLY needs to be adjusted

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Cake Face:
Well first off before i'd like to being...its kind-of stupid someone put the whole "last slot reserved for admin" bs. So you have to wait until the player count drops to 14 or below. And you'd better hope you join fast before someone steals it.

Now to my main point: TTT really needs to be adjusted. Like stated in sanders thread:


Theres a few of you who I wont name but honestly, thats not what the magneto stick's purpose was. It was to cade and hide bodies, not pick up fucking barrels and kill random suckers. Boy would I like to start votebanning for that. I been prop killed on numerous occasion's as a traitor before making 1 fucking kill. Can an admin please make the prop killing rule official and bannable. I can understand killing afk's BUT IF THE ROUND STARTS AND SOMEONE STILL HAS A CROWBAR OUT, they get hit with a flying barrel anyway. Better yet, remove the swep completely as people dont use it for its actual use.

Then theres a smaller issue...map glitches who purposely hold up the round. I've map glitched but not actually held up the round on purpose.

Other then that...thats about it.

Yea yea. First thing, that 16th slot admin thing doesn't even work for admins so yea.

Second, I'm working on the propkilling thing. Be aware that any prop killing is grounds for ban by admins and voteban by respected. Use your power to the fullest. Also, record any instances of prop killing using source recorder so we can build a case for permabanning.

Cake Face:
Alrighty then, so now I and other respected can finally ban players for prop killing? Even if they want a duel. Because someone will get hit in the cross-fire or if the barrel misses. You have guns to kill, not props.


--- Quote from: Sanders on May 18, 2010, 05:00:11 PM ---Second, I'm working on the propkilling thing.

--- End quote ---


There's this thing. It's called common sense. When someone is prop battling another person, use common sense. Meaning: DON'T WALK UP TO THEM FOOL.
That is all.


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