Other Shiz > Boneyard
Crit Nick gay ban
Odd, why is your first post here?
crit nick might be another $mooth criminal, both their voices are similar too
who are you...
how can a ban be gay?
--- Quote from: carphunter963 on May 20, 2010, 12:16:40 AM ---how can a ban be gay?
--- End quote ---
By liking another male ban.
--- Quote from: MADRID 36 on May 19, 2010, 10:04:34 PM --- LOL do you see my name ::) MADRID 36
hey nick is not that bad if you get to know him
--- End quote ---
Dude you are also a minge. Shooting the boat you're on... Of course you would like Crit Nick.
I don't know, I like Crit Nick and never saw him abusing. He's strict though, I'll give you that.
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