Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Server Requests/Suggestions

Removing of the Magneto Stick: Poll

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Keep it :D

I don't think that they gonna remove it because there was another post about magneto stick recently and it wasan't removed.

I know this might sound like flame but... You never said WHY you want to keep the magneto stick or WHY it is so fun... is the motivation PROP KILLING perhaps?

--- Quote from: SheepsAholy on May 15, 2010, 11:26:55 AM ---There's people even with the name PROP in some form or fashion just cause they kill with props.

--- End quote ---

Why exactly is your name Prox hmm...

Boat Sinker:
YES remove it

Magneto ftw, for the prop killing win. But RND won't remove it, at least not for a long while. It almost seems like the servers are made to make it hard for people to play. So many easy fixes on the servers but nothing is being done to fix them.


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