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Removing of the Magneto Stick: Poll

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I have a whole video of me being prop killed. I recorded it today. I played TTT for about an hour. I was killed about 4/7 times with props. I'm pretty sad at the people who do it. Sabbath, not to smear your name or anything, but you did threaten to rdm me for recording a video of prop kills.


--- Quote from: UberLord/Kenny on May 15, 2010, 08:07:56 PM ---I have a whole video of me being prop killed. I recorded it today. I played TTT for about an hour. I was killed about 4/7 times with props. I'm pretty sad at the people who do it. Sabbath, not to smear your name or anything, but you did threaten to rdm me for recording a video of prop kills.

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Quite the opposite actually. I was threatening to prop kill the guy prop killing you lol.


--- Quote from: SheepsAholy on May 15, 2010, 01:29:16 PM ---Exactly Sanders, and Sabbath if you want self defense, you should pick up a pistol / mac10 /  m4a1 / shotgun or even go crow-baring there's enough weapons on the map for each person to have something to fire and it's not exactly fun when your the one running and pow death by flying barrel.  :-X

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Sheeps you missed my point, Im on your side. They need to remove fucking dick stick. It may have some hypothetical use (hiding bodies) but nobody uses it for that. They use it to propkill.

 :laugh: I was agreeing with you sanders :P It does have it's uses but everyone that even plays on the server a entire match knows its not being used what it was brought in for.


--- Quote from: SheepsAholy on May 15, 2010, 12:33:57 PM ---I know this might sound like flame but... You never said WHY you want to keep the magneto stick or WHY it is so fun... is the motivation PROP KILLING perhaps?

Why exactly is your name Prox hmm...

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told ya they cant remove magneto-stick becuz it is the part of the gamemode!


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