Other Shiz > Boneyard
unban me in flood
unban my id SteamID 0:0:26345038
i playing and give perma ban for no reason
i dont know name of the human who ban me
i know about picture of it
this is it
print screen not i make photo in my camera
A human banned you? Strange.
In all seriousness, on what Server were you banned? Flood, ZS, Wire, Sled, WS ...
i banned in fl0od
What happened when you were banned?
Like, who was online etc?
It could also be the Anti-Hack, but I don't think that bans permanent.
im playing in server 2 mounths ago and i dont know who playing but i know situation in server was normaly but one player had hit the subject (admin) and admin ban me ,not player who hit him
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