Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Server Requests/Suggestions

"Role Play" Server Request

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As long as it's not DarkRP I would actually play there.

If its not a serious RP i can see myself going there just ot mess around and whatnot...

» Magic «:
We had a GModRP before and it failed epicly, If people actually played on it I would play on it


--- Quote from: «-= Magic =-» on May 17, 2010, 09:46:43 AM ---We had a GModRP before and it failed epicly, If people actually played on it I would play on it

--- End quote ---

People played it until it glitched and nobody knew how to fix it = epic fail.

TacoScript2 will be awesome, or some heavily modified DarkRP =D
Or maybe heavily modified GmodRP =O

I used to play on DnD's RPG server (forgot the IP :( ) but It was just fine, it used darkrp with some editing. If it had more admins around on it It would be sweet (but most of the DnD admins was very childish RND would pick much better admins :D) but yeah if we had a RPG server that was "stable" with some admin control, I'd probably drop by very often.


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