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Phishing attempt, FAILED!
Never tell your password to anyone.
Your Awesome: Dude, Amazing offer from steam and NVIDIA. 3 FREE games of your choise just go to: www.freenvidiagift.co.cc and claim your games
.:~RND`=- Kräsh∑r -= |AHN|: Nice
.:~RND`=- Kräsh∑r -= |AHN|: Phishing Attempts are a fail
.:~RND`=- Kräsh∑r -= |AHN|: umad?
.:~RND`=- Kräsh∑r -= |AHN|: yes, It failed.
.:~RND`=- Kräsh∑r -= |AHN|: Now go die in a hole.
.:~RND`=- Kräsh∑r -= |AHN|: No one needs you.
.:~RND`=- Kräsh∑r -= |AHN|: It is easy to tell that this is a phishing claim, simply look at the link.
.:~RND`=- Kräsh∑r -= |AHN|: And you will not respond making it MORE obvious
.:~RND`=- Kräsh∑r -= |AHN|: You sir, Fail beyond belief.
.:~RND`=- Kräsh∑r -= |AHN|: Now please end you miserable life before I have to do it for you.
Krasher you failed harder than the phisher. Phisher was a bot. You yelled at a bot. Good job tard.
--- Quote from: Sanders on May 12, 2010, 04:36:52 PM ---Krasher you failed harder than the phisher. Phisher was a bot. You yelled at a bot. Good job tard.
--- End quote ---
Person who sent him that goes to the server lol.
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