Entertainment > Funny Stuffz

African Scammer

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--- Quote from: jimonions on May 11, 2010, 12:00:53 AM ---Wait whats a scammer, educate me

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A bitch that does fake sales or purchases
In example he offeres you a house, u buy it, when u wanna go and see it - it doesnt exist... :laugh:

You cant get your money back in any way? That must suck

--Activate uber minge scammer tracking device--


--- Quote from: jimonions on May 11, 2010, 12:08:49 AM ---You cant get your money back in any way? That must suck

--Activate uber minge scammer tracking device--

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Basicli you can call him a flood minge....


--- Quote from: ♥ Fränk ♥ on May 10, 2010, 08:05:37 PM ---agh borez0r.

I love making them think I ACTUALLY BELIEVED IT lol ZO FUNNY!

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i used to do that, but then I got bored. I actually gave this one guy a phony account number, and he replied, This doesn't work, could we try another one? LOL


I wanna get one of those guys xd


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