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What is the worst thing you have ever saw?
--- Quote from: lolwut on May 12, 2010, 09:20:50 PM ---Oh lawl, you guyz cant handle nothin.
I scrolled through offensive atleast 3 times
Jerked it to 2 girls 1 cup
Pain olympics made my balls hurt
--- End quote ---
Watch 2kidsinasanbox. Your penis will shrivel up and cry.
Jetstodown :}:
--- Quote from: Kräsh∑r on May 13, 2010, 04:47:30 PM ---Watch 2kidsinasanbox. Your penis will shrivel up and cry.
--- End quote ---
its okay little buddy we can make it throught it
*penus falls off*
Offended page.. I got to around the pictures with the Middle Eastern man with half his head blown off and a picture of that dead woman with a cross shoved down her throat. Basically the 3rd or 4th picture.
But in real life, the worst thing I've seen was a homeless man with burnt flesh, missing an eye, and arm, and a leg. None of his wounds were covered up.
OR the most heart breakening thing I've seen was 9/11.
And most disgusting 9/11 picture was of a man who jumped off the tower that fell on the ground with all his organs spilled out around him.
Most disgusting murder picture was of a man who's face was completely ripped open so that his eyeballs were dangling out of where his face should have been.
Most horrible thing was off a baby crudely decapitated. (Looked more like someone ripped it's head off since meat was hanging from where his head should have been.)
MOST DISGUSTING was 2 Girls 1 Cup. I don't dare watch anything similar to that anymore.
Most scariest was a "ghost" I thought I saw. Freaked me out a hell load.
Baby :(
I fucking hate children killers.
I waz watching some pr0nz !
And i saw "kids in a sandbox".
Its funny and disgusting at the same time.
But the scariest thing is 3guys1hammer. ITS A FUCKING MURDERER! This shit shouldn't be in the internet FFS !
P.S Go here Lawl. http://leekspin.com
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