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Sadness Section

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devvybabe ♥:
Let me sum this up (pardon my typos im doing this through my phone)
everyone DOES want a sadness section and I understand why. Some people don't have a good enough relationship with their parents so they can't approach them with personal problems. Or their friends aren't a reliable source of moral support. In my opinion online friends would understand more thanreal life support. Yes it's true that games are used to get away from reality and most people spend endless hours playing games because lifes hard on them. Yes they may have food, shelter and a warm bed but they're homeless, hungry and cold emotionally. And  for those people saying they need to be strong and suck it up, they ARE strong because they've come this far and still manages to go through it. All they want is to hear uplifting words to help them continue on being strong. A pat on the back and saying "you can do it" is good enough. Someone to lend a helping hand. They're not asking for much. They're ignored most of the time please hear them out Just this once...   

Holy Pîngaz.

That rly got to my heart.

Let's make an official thread for this request?

so emo section?


"cheer up niggz" sectiun

devvybabe ♥:

--- Quote from: ♥ Kaylie ♥ on May 11, 2010, 04:19:39 PM ---nu

"cheer up niggz" sectiun

--- End quote ---

Frank, did you get a sex change.
I was like who the hell is Kaylie and how the hell did I not see her when I first joined esp since she's a EP moderator.

wtf Frank


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