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my account hacked again.....................
» Magic «:
Remove the "steam" link form your post, it contains "warez"
Added you
damn, i felt bad for you Jetz.
Now, i'll add you on steam.
Jetstodown :}:
i wuv all u guyz :)
I hope I never get hacked, it sounds like a bitch. I also have $40-60 worth of games on my steam D:
Anyway, that sounds like some shitty luck, how did this happen? phishing site? If not, tell me the other ways you can get hacked so I cna avoid them...
I got haxed twice, once on the legit account and second time on PINGAZ account, and at both times I got the account back and changed the pass to a very complicated one lawl.
And from then my account don't get haxed =D
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