Other Shiz > Boneyard

RDMing in TTT

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Only gonna name 1 name here, and that's for simple use.
So I'm playing TTT, everything's going cool, and we want to kill the AFK guy. Obviously crashed, and so we kill him. He turns out to be a T, and one retard (Shiro) says "OMG that was RDM you retards" so I make the obvious connection he's defending a fellow traitor. I accuse him he runs, denying it, and he gets killed by someone else. He goes "Waffle you're dead next round you RDMing faggot" and I go "lolwat" assuming he wouldn't do it, because he's a mic spamming 10 year old. Lo and behond, I get detective, and he kills me for no reason. Completely RDM as an innocent. He calls me a few more names (I will not mention them here) and he leaves the server.
Seriously, I hate RDMing crybaby 10 year olds.

It's an everyday crap. You'll soon know how to deal with them the hard way.

Like Frank does. And they never ever bother him again.

Tiger Guy:
As Forrest Gump said once, 'Shit happens.'

yea I know how it is im a TTT regular here and its really gay had to deal with a couple today

in any event just whack em

if that dont work just than bash em

and if THAT dont work just

(only if they are being little rdm tards cant really ban for being annoying not nice ^-^

Just kill, if you have to. Its part of TTT.


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