Other Shiz > Boneyard

Lag and Crash issues


Today, TTT server crashed 4-6 times since I logged in at 2PM +8 GMT
There is a huge lag issue
Currently, as i am typing down this thread, TTT server and some of the other random servers are either, pings about 700-800 or they are offline.
TTT servers crashes oftenly.
It was a fun game, maxed out players. But it kept on crashing.
Everyone had to rejoin the server.
Anyone know what is the source of this crash problem?

TTT haz instability problems... I want them to be fixed too. Waiting for responce...

» Magic «:
DDoS I bet :l


--- Quote from: me4488 on May 05, 2010, 11:06:43 AM ---TTT haz instability problems... I want them to be fixed too. Waiting for responce...

--- End quote ---
Yes..I know. We all have the same problems
The whole server crashes at a time.
Making everyone's Garry mod crash and have to rejoin.
TTT was offline yesterday.
Went to play prop hunt instead.


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