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Time Zone Solution =D

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So ive been going around the forums lately and ive noticed a problem that many people have been having... Not being able to find admin or get to their favorite buddies because of time zones this makes it harder to not only get on with admins and see how awesome they are but this also makes it harder to schedule an RND event (which Im sure we have and need ALOT more of.) So i came to the conclusion that a nice way to solve this would be to have a little clock or something that reads differently than YOUR time.... (exp: Say where i live its 6:00 pm and where Frank lives its 4:00 AM) Well the clock will read something like 02:00 RND time its a pretty cool idea and would make it alot easier to know when your friends usualy play and when to schedule an RND event =D (its an idea i got from this website back when i use to play maplestory xD [Look at the top right corner where it says so and so time BT]) well there you go let me know what you think =D



website fails lol

Due to the power of the sun. It is unfortunet that we all cant play together. Had the same experience, ubt now im in Canada. Eastern time XD I am very fortunate.


--- Quote from: Peetah on May 04, 2010, 05:38:19 PM ---Due to the power of the sun. It is unfortunet that we all cant play together. Had the same experience, ubt now im in Canada. Eastern time XD I am very fortunate.

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Wherez in Canada!? :O


--- Quote from: SabbathFreak911 on May 04, 2010, 05:54:01 PM ---Wherez in Canada!? :O

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Were spesificly?

Toronto, Ontario
33 Cloverdale RD

Come to my house anytime you want ;D


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