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I'm going to commit suicide. Let's hope I fail. I don't really want to die, but if that happens, I want you all to know that I like pie.
[spoiler]lol bullshiz. but still, I'm going to divide mah HDD, and if it fails, me gon die X_X if I not be bax within one day, imma be bax in one month. kthxbai.[/spoiler]
My hardrive failed just resently. A caviar blue it was. Sent it back to Western digital. And in 2 weeks look what they sent me. A frekin Velociraptor! omfg lol.
--- Quote from: Peetah on May 03, 2010, 05:16:44 PM ---My hardrive failed just resently. A caviar blue it was. Sent it back to Western digital. And in 2 weeks look what they sent me. A frekin Velociraptor! omfg lol.
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Mission accomplishe 8)
Now, I gotta figure out how to install Ubuntu :(
--- Quote from: Frank on May 03, 2010, 04:44:50 PM ---I'm going to commit suicide. Let's hope I fail. I don't really want to die, but if that happens, I want you all to know that I like pie.
[spoiler]lol bullshiz. but still, I'm going to divide mah HDD, and if it fails, me gon die X_X if I not be bax within one day, imma be bax in one month. kthxbai.[/spoiler]
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--- Quote from: Peetah on May 03, 2010, 05:16:44 PM ---My hardrive failed just resently. A caviar blue it was. Sent it back to Western digital. And in 2 weeks look what they sent me. A frekin Velociraptor! omfg lol.
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Lol PHAIL, btw, Velociraptor is a good HDD no? O.o
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