Other Shiz > Boneyard
|AHN| DarkBunny Rule Breaking.
devvybabe ♥:
--- Quote from: Peetah on May 03, 2010, 12:16:10 PM ---Hes normally very aware about the rules. Hes thoe really strct people that bean anyone that breaks a rule. Thats in a way I guess is good, but myself I dont really like those kind of people. Kinda kills the fun.
Perm ban is a bit too extreme at this point p.p. But a lesson will have to be tought.
--- End quote ---
I agree that she is aware of the rules but she seems to ignore it. Like she knows that she's not supposed to kicking this person for the reason she thinks is relevant. But she goes ahead and does it anyway. No idea why.. Been in-game with her and kicked two people for extremely irrelevant reasons. This person is aware of the rules, but ignores it. That's just my opinion though.
Omg hes a SHE? omg I keep getting guys mixed up with girls.
??? SHE???
devvybabe ♥:
I didn't know she actually applied for admin.... and now that you tell me she claims that she doesnt care much about rnd, tsk tsk. that thread link should be locked :/
actually guys, xalteph was being a minge. he was annoying lots of players in the server including me, darkbunny was just trying to kick xalteph for being minge.
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