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Gmod Update Steam Announcement
For those of you not in the group.
--- Code: ----- GMod Update - As you should know ;p
So, reviews on the update seem to be bad for just about everyone.
I'll take this time to do some well needed maintenance on the servers.
Hopefully we'll see a second patch soon.
If this is not the case, I have a hell of a lotta work to do :/
hf, kthxbai
--- End code ---
if jo needz any halpz ask we the peepz
Just tryed out the patch. I found that it was AMAZING. Nice graphical update, sound and pretty much game changing. I didnt try any of the more detailed stuff. Just the basic spawn something and shoot it.
--- Quote from: Peetah on April 30, 2010, 05:50:29 PM ---Just tryed out the patch. I found that it was AMAZING. Nice graphical update, sound and pretty much game changing. I didnt try any of the more detailed stuff. Just the basic spawn something and shoot it.
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--- Quote from: Kräsh∑r on April 30, 2010, 05:59:14 PM ---Huh?
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You didnt notice anything now? They pretty much changed everything.
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