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ZS server map routes
Cake Face:
Im sure we are all used to the most voted for maps (deathsh-maps, fort, aleous) but hey, why not help out new players with a guide to help them understand where to go and where to keep away from. I'll only do this on good maps with detailed geometry. For my first example:
ZS_FORT (Outside)
Red = Zombie Spawn Area
Green = Human Spawn Area
Red Arrows = Useful Zombie Path's
Green Arrows = Useful Human Path's
Dark Blue Area's = Propable Spots/Useful Dynamic props
Maroon=Barricade Kit spots
AIDS pink = Stairs
Yellow Area's = Ammunition Crates
Light Blue = Ladders
Seafoam Green = Shooting spots
If I get around to it, next post will be fort outside and then move onto the next map
Cake Face:
lol one half ass drawing of the pit XD. Just jking.
Good work man. Too bad I dont play ZS never got the hangle of it.
You know what would be even better? noclip outside the map and take an aerial screen shot
Cake Face:
--- Quote from: jimonions on April 28, 2010, 12:51:19 AM ---You know what would be even better? noclip outside the map and take an aerial screen shot
--- End quote ---
...smartass :D
Imma try to do the best I can on that stuff. I knew the ms paint thing would not work out :laugh:
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