Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Approved Respected Apps
x???x Respected Application
Yep just some advice from yours truly.
Dont abuse any power you have. Only unleash when "necessary"
Being abusve is being a dick. No one likes thoes.
Im sure without a doubt you'll be a good respected player.
--- Quote from: Peetah on April 28, 2010, 03:46:20 PM ---Yep just some advice from yours truly.
Dont abuse any power you have. Only unleash when "necessary"
Being abusve is being a dick. No one likes thoes.
Im sure without a doubt you'll be a good respected player.
--- End quote ---
i doubt i can even abuse, votekick is prety much all of the player's decision. all im gonna do is kick minges when the other players say so.
--- Quote from: CommanderEddy on April 28, 2010, 07:47:47 AM ---Lol double post.
Eddy's Advice : Use the edit button.
--- End quote ---
sorry about that.
I kill you:
You need more info example where you live state,country what langauge you speak the severs you play most on and how long have you been on steam and a better reason why you should be respected hope this helps
put stuff like Where you live Like Country?
servers you play on?
(wirebuild,PlainBuild) what you make?
hope this helps you
hope you well make a good repected
?!?! wherez all teh r4nd0m info?! O_o?
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