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Great idea (something like vip)
well i think vip should only be with people who are not in the report section *i dont mean the rage post against someone i mean ones that are not a epic fail reports* and dont abuse
the slap and kick would be good for flood because kicking well i just think killing them would be easier
so i would say artic,don and boat sinker i think you guys would have a very good chance because your not minges and dont abuse
ehh for me i dont abuse but i do act umm like a ass
ofcource the admins wouldn't like this. There all power hungry D:<
And way would be nice to have another rank other then respected.
Boat Sinker:
--- Quote from: ArTIk*BaNAnA on April 28, 2010, 12:47:14 PM ---I think VIP should only have insta-kick and less time between votebanning, that's all what they need.
Ya, VIP is like one stage before admin =D
(Btw you double-posted, better edit you're second post into the first)
--- End quote ---
yeah. more teh better.
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