Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Community Admin Apps

Gohan... Kahmehamaha admin app for ttt server

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--- Quote from: Nurse Choucho on April 28, 2010, 08:40:58 AM ---What if I help get this idiot off our community to prevent him from abusing respected?

--- End quote ---

Nah, that's the admins job =P
Now stop posting here this thread should be locked =\


whoot caramledansen (however you spell it =P)

haha you all know he is doing this as a joke right?

i mean thats gohan for you the jokester =P

(and the one that wont stop killing me in TTT =P)

anyway get your respected already gohan your pissing me off and btw did it stop being hard???  (counter strike insider, between me shriee and sillypiggy and gohan.)

Fail admin thread.



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