Other Shiz > Boneyard

Wtf if the point of having prop killing in TTT?

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I dunno i heard sombody was making a prop arena gamemode for RND so until they get that up i guess No?

PS can somebody please verify the whole prop arena thing I gotta know if its LEGIT =D



--- Quote from: Somerandomguy09 on May 02, 2010, 11:58:50 AM ---I dunno i heard sombody was making a prop arena gamemode for RND so until they get that up i guess No?

PS can somebody please verify the whole prop arena thing I gotta know if its LEGIT =D


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Okay a while ago back when I still had cracked Steam me and the "propwarriors" that were currently in-gmae decided to declare parts of the maps as arenas which we would all prop fight in.(only 2 ppl have ever beaten me fairly) Then Krasher was watching and I said to him as a joke we should make a prop arena game mod. He was like "Alright let's do it!". I'm not sure if he's actually making it or not but w/e lol. If not Ima stick to my epix prop killing and prop arena when the warriors are around.


--- Quote from: SabbathFreak911 on May 02, 2010, 12:39:55 PM ---Okay a while ago back when I still had cracked Steam me and the "propwarriors" that were currently in-gmae decided to declare parts of the maps as arenas which we would all prop fight in.(only 2 ppl have ever beaten me fairly) Then Krasher was watching and I said to him as a joke we should make a prop arena game mod. He was like "Alright let's do it!". I'm not sure if he's actually making it or not but w/e lol. If not Ima stick to my epix prop killing and prop arena when the warriors are around.

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IM guessin this was while i was gone from the community for a couple weeks cause when i came back there was a bunch of ppl with Rnd(insert winner name here) so and so propz

Well i guess ill be a warrior and i was probably gonna beat you yesterday... but danm cakeface! and that was a cheap one in the hallway xD

Lol :P.
Basically if you're in the group just add something like "PropArcher" or "WizardProp" or something like that, something with prop in it - to your name.


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