Tech Lounge > Mapping


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Ok so I edited the zs_fort map and added a skybox, lamps, props, a breakable window, and some sparks to make the map more fun (Heard a lot of bad comments about it in ZS).
I also optimized the map.


Original one:

New one:

Dropped a hammer in the skybox!!

Looks good so far! keep up the good work!

make the pit twice as deep for the lulz

honestly i dont think this is necessary, fort has already been redone 2 times and this just doesn't look like the best remake. All it really looks like is a new skybox, only displacements really, and a few decals and props here and there. Dont just make a map for the sake of makiing a map, try to move stuff around like jim did in his fort_advanced_snowy. He did a really good job on that map.

Note: I am basing this off of the screenshots, i haven't seen the map, and these are just a few suggestions.

Yeah, you're right.

I found a new tool for making maps now (no not Google Sketchup again) its called MicroBrush 2.

Advanced mappers might like this tool.

I'm probably going to make a completely new Zombie Survival map pretty soon.


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