Introductions/Apps/Suggestions > Admin List and Introductions.

Hey everyone!


Well, its about time I get to doing this. In game my name is Colonel Sanders, steam ID theevolegend. You will probably find me sitting around in the ".:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. -Build|Tick100|Fast DL- Latest Wire/Phx" server somewhere building something random ;D. I've got some e2 knowledge, so if you need help and I look like am not doing anything feel free to ask. Hope to stay around a long time. Thanks, and see you guys in the build server.

Oh yeah, can I please get a group invite? Thanks!

Hello Colonel! Thanks for taking the time to join the forums :)

Sent you a group invite on steam just about now.

Any questions/comments/or suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Thanks and hope you continue having fun!

Well this may be a little late but... Thanks, I hope I can contribute to the community!  :D


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