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devvybabe ♥:
lolwut? wrong diagnosis ftf.
Im a girl
and young mens developing hormones doesn't include epistaxis. Although it can be caused by a lot of stuff but this certainly does not include the developing stage of boys. Let alone their hormones.

I probably have hypertension or allergies.
Maybe I have leukemia. jk.
3 days in a row that takes 15 minutes to stop.. Gah.


--- Quote from: Deviant on April 27, 2010, 12:57:07 PM ---lolwut? wrong diagnosis ftf.
Im a girl
and young mens developing hormones doesn't include epistaxis. Although it can be caused by a lot of stuff but this certainly does not include the developing stage of boys. Let alone their hormones.

I probably have hypertension or allergies.
Maybe I have leukemia. jk.
3 days in a row that takes 15 minutes to stop.. Gah.

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He didn't mean that xD
He meant
--- Quote from: Peetah on April 26, 2010, 07:26:28 PM ---Holy shit. So many views in 2 days. Bro Deviant is like a man magnet. ???

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devvybabe ♥:
Misleading ftw.


--- Quote from: Deviant on April 27, 2010, 01:05:58 PM ---Misleading ftw.

--- End quote ---

AGREED, and spam-thread FTW =P

lol since when were you such an expert on guys   :-\


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