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Im Sorry

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I'm gonna side with Arktik and Frank here, leave him alone. If he's being a moron again, troll him as hard as you want. Simple as that.
Give him a chance.


--- Quote from: Don on April 25, 2010, 08:12:56 AM ---I'm gonna side with Arktik and Frank here, leave him alone. If he's being a moron again, troll him as hard as you want. Simple as that.
Give him a chance.

--- End quote ---

Yes! give him a chance! if he troll's again, phish the fuck out of his brain.


--- Quote from: Mr.Franklin on April 25, 2010, 09:14:28 AM ---Yes! give him a chance! if he troll's again, phish the fuck out of his brain.

--- End quote ---

Lawl, yay people agree with me again =D
I feel good =O <3  (damn I want to do a heart pointing other side D:< )

hkill, Do not make these threads if you are not TRULY going to stop.


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