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What board do you recomend to use for the wirebuild chess tournament?

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Boat Sinker:
if you dont already know im planning to hold a chess tournament in wirebuild. my question to u guys is which one should i use?

there are two boards ive made. one that is entirely phx polygons and the other that is non phx

phx polygon chess theme


non phx theme

I'd say non phx

Looks alot cooler imo

Non-phx, but just so you know, there's a pre-made board =D
Which I used a couple of time with a timer on it and everything...

There's a better PHX one. It's REAL chess.

Boat Sinker:

--- Quote from: ArTIk*BaNAnA on April 23, 2010, 04:28:57 AM ---Non-phx, but just so you know, there's a pre-made board =D
Which I used a couple of time with a timer on it and everything...

--- End quote ---

yeah i know about the already made board and props for it, but its smaller and i tihnk it sucks.


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