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RND's Official Mic Spammer
--- Quote from: SabbathFreak911 on April 22, 2010, 03:48:06 PM ---Epic fail... Ruben RARELY uses his mic and had never used HLDJ or HLSS as far as I know. Xexxar doesn't use HLDJ or HLSS either, he just uses his mic... and he talks into it... not spam. Last, Krasher DOES NOT SPAM LAWL. Again, rarely uses his mic and does have HLDJ or HLSS but he doesn't use it much and doesn't spam it.
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no because about everytime i see him in flood he has either gay music on or epic music
ruben was a major mic spammer on the TTT but he dident play gay music
xexxar Is Again A Major Mic Spammer In ZS but he plays non gay music
i mean any type of mic spam it dosent have to be on hldj or hlss
ruben mic spams with hldj the rest dont
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