Entertainment > Funny Stuffz

Zombie Survival funny screenies :)

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devvybabe ♥:
Just whenever you're in zombie survival - and you see something funny, (like worldspawn deaths) take a screenie and post it on here!
I'll start us off,

Smasters spent quite some time on this ... I dunno. Prop wall of art. He said its his spiderweb XD
Zombies started to break in and eat us and I see smasters in the corner saying "I'm stuck!"

I LOL'd so hard in this picture (most of the players were getting killed and freaking out b/c zombies broke in)

Majoras mask:
there already is 2 topics just like this but whatever

i trapped an afk kleiner but then he came back...

btw mah spider web  :)

devvybabe ♥:
LOL krusty krab;
A kleiner suddenly froze and crashed leaving his model somewhat and halfway in action:

In this one;
Smasters (on the left) is in teh process of getting rid of the kleiners. while carp joins in the scene! Then I crash :)

lol i iz jesuz


--- Quote from: Deviant on April 21, 2010, 05:40:34 PM ---I LOL'd so hard in this picture (most of the players were getting killed and freaking out b/c zombies broke in)

--- End quote ---



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