Welcome to .:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. > General Chat
silverangel joinz.
ohai lookz i has robot!
coolz tori broha.
silver makez app.
frank nevuh liekz him.
one day frank trollz him ingame.
he gets pissed
/voteban frunkz
lolpwnt frunk
frunk comez anothar day.
trollz him again
frunkz got called namez0rz
Frank votebanned him. Noone denied.
Magnum goes and reports Frank.
Frank zez: lol
Community facepalms.
magun: they see me complainin', they hatin'
Magnum left the Community. (lolpwnt banned)
Frank winz.
Flawlass bictary.
Boat Sinker:
To be honest I don't really know what happened to him. He left not too long after I removed his respected temporarily when I was an admin. Therefore, I assume a lot of this on the servers just really annoyed him (and all the ppl on the forum loling at him) and he raged and left. But IDK, I doubt he was banned. We probably just pissed him off so much he got pissed and left lol.
Jetstodown :}:
--- Quote from: Kräsher on April 21, 2010, 02:28:13 PM ---It is a bloody, gory, tale.
--- End quote ---
Banana Hat:
he also made a LOT of bullshit moderator reports.
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