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Clean up stickies in general chat


Boat Sinker:
When you look at general chat, a wide majority of your page is just stickies. What I'f coolz cleaned up some of the irrelevant unimportant ones. Eg. I have one called gl code names that does not have to be stickied


--- Quote from: Boat Sinker on April 21, 2010, 03:56:55 AM ---When you look at general chat, a wide majority of your page is just stickies. What I'f coolz cleaned up some of the irrelevant unimportant ones. Eg. I have one called gl code names that does not have to be stickied

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yea and you can only see like 4 normal posts at the bottom lol

oo I went ahead and moved some stuff today

Then I saw this now lol.

Boat Sinker:

--- Quote from: coolzeldad on April 22, 2010, 02:14:46 AM ---oo I went ahead and moved some stuff today

Then I saw this now lol.

--- End quote ---

lul. much better now. thnx


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