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Boat Sinkers Photoalbum of Build Pictures in G mod

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Boat Sinker:
This post here will contain most of the cool things i have made in single player and in the RND wirebuild. i do not know wire or e2, but as you see, i compensate by making very good builds.

all of these screen-shots were taken from my adv dupe file from wirebuild. all of the pictures you will see are 100% created by me and are not someoneelses.

if you feel like you really want to have something in a picture, just comment and i will try to remember to let you dupe it next time i see you. read some of the chat in screenshots, they either explain the picture a bit or just something funny written.

inside view of space ship

i zez wat wat in teh buttz

wat wat, in my butt?

joo wanna do eet in mah buttz, in mah buttz?

Boat Sinker:
letz do it in ze but, oookayyy....


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