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--- Quote from: Boat Sinker on April 20, 2010, 07:08:29 PM ---HOLY FUCK

--- End quote ---
Yeah, he just asked me before this post why silver angel was banned.
I told him cuz he was a major asshole.

Well hello silver angel I grant you one more chance.

Boat Sinker:

--- Quote from: Kräsher on April 20, 2010, 07:11:06 PM ---Yeah, he just asked me before this post why silver angel was banned.
I told him cuz he was a major asshole.

Well hello silver angel I grant you one more chance.

--- End quote ---

yeah he pmed me just today what he thought about silverangel and who he was . snake

but my opinion of him has changed. he was able to act like a normal member without getting permad this time (lol), so my view towards him are more positive.

Omgizdathaxorwat !!
I can't believe it was you !

Lawl, that's why he didn't like Frank xD
Though I didn't really know silverangel/hkill or the story behind him =\
I just remember he was here lawl

And good decision silverangel/hkill (shiz this is confusing O.o)

umm im not silver angel
boat sinker and krasher told me that he got a perm ban for being an asshole
and i dont want a perm ban


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